The coolest Catholic nun in the world. "God has given us unique abilities, talents, and spiritual gifts. If we think that our talents are simply for us to make a lot of money, retire, and die, then we have missed the point of your life". Pakistan Christian Post Editorial

The Voice Of Italy 2

Suor Cristina and Luna Palumbo
"Girls just want to have fun" di Cyndi Lauper
Apr 16, 2014

J-Ax: "When Sister Cristina sings she gives joy, and this is her gift"

The “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” program roughly quadrupled the ratings the show had registered before she joined it in March, which raises a tantalizing question: Will anyone dare vote her off the show?

It seems that nuns just want to have fun, too. The 25-year-old Sister Cristina Scuccia, who became a worldwide sensation after her first electrifying performance danced around on stage with the same irrepressible energy she exhibited before. The singers matched each other in power and energy, but Scuccia owned the song by the end, belting out the final note all the way to the back of the theater.

Here's a video of their performance, with English subtitles:

HOMORAZZI: Nuns Just Want To Have Fun
THE LOCAL: Singing nun strikes again with 80s classic

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