Why a fairly modern woman would want to become a nun?
"It's like love at first sight. You can't explain it, a vocation is a mystery"
Read the original by Liz Jones: "I tell her I don’t believe in God"
She rediscovered her religious roots in her late teens when she appeared in a musical about the founder of the Ursuline order Saint Angela Merici. The order was founded in 1535 for the education of girls, and to care for the sick and needy. But this doesn’t seem enough of a reason why she would abandon her freedom, her life, her family and friends. I’m fascinated by why a fairly modern woman would want to become a nun.
[...] I ask if she receives a salary, perhaps just pocket money, and whether she can buy hair conditioner and moisturiser and mascara.
Liz Jones at the end of the interview: We say goodbye, and I feel so moved to have met Sister Cristina that I ask her to pray for me. She does so, in her beautiful Italian. I look at the translator. What did she say? ‘That she hopes you find peace and happiness one day. She says she knows God is holding your mother in his arms.’
The thing is, I hadn’t told her my mum has died.
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